Small Groups

Small Groups
Growth in Christ happens several ways, and one way is through relationships with others. We were not meant to go at the Christian life alone. God designed us to need each other. We grow as we pursue Christ together.
Small groups exist as a key place for relational discipleship, friendship and Gospel-empowered service. They are a group of six-to-sixteen people who meet regularly in a home during the week. The hope is that Small Groups make disciples who make disciples, so that our church is strengthened and lives are transformed (Eph. 4:13) as the gospel is applied to all aspects of life. They are an integrated part of PCPC spiritual formation and mission.
If you are new to PCPC or are looking for a way to grow deeper with others in our church, consider joining a small group that meets in a home! This is a great place to form new friendships, find a place of belonging and to be formed in Christ.
There are currently two types of small groups that meet in homes: neighborhood-based and life-stage based. To learn more, email