Membership Ministry
The nurture and equipping of our members is the goal of the Membership Ministry of PCPC. It is the mutual commitment of the church to the member and the member to the church. This means fellowship, accountability, and belonging and includes the new member process, Sunday Morning Communities, small discipleship groups, support groups, as well as pastoral care and shepherding from our elders.
New Members Class
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ calls us into a relationship with Himself and with His people. The Lord never intends for His people to walk alone. For many reasons, the local church is vitally important to our life in Christ. Whether you’re new to PCPC or have been visiting for years, we encourage you to consider becoming a member.
The New Member Class gives you the opportunity to hear from different ministry leaders and learn more about our church’s beliefs, purpose, vision, and mission. We talk about the benefits and expectations of membership and walk through the constitutional questions (membership vows) to join the church. We want all our members to connect to Christ and to one another, to abide in Christ, and to extend Christ. We want you to understand what these things mean and how you can take your next step in Christ as you become a member.
The class normally meets on Sunday mornings in the Fall (from September to October) and in the Spring (from January to March), with joining dates in early December and early May.
We look forward to getting to know you and helping you decipher whether the Lord is calling you to be a member of Park Cities Presbyterian Church.
New Members Class Schedule
Next Class information:
The next class will run from Sunday, September 8 to Sunday, October 27, 2024. We meet from 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope that you will join us.
New Members Breakfast and joining date: Sunday, December 8, 2024
For more information contact Debbie Blanton. Ministry Coordinator for New Members, at or 214-224-2744.
Find out more about baptism at PCPC.
If you are a member of PCPC, please call 214-224-2500, with information concerning births, deaths, hospitalizations, or if counseling is needed.