Weddings at PCPC

Dear Bride and Groom,
Congratulations on your engagement! We are very happy for you and glad you want your wedding at Park Cities Presbyterian Church (hereafter referred to as PCPC).
Our church policy is to invite PCPC members or members in good standing of other PCA (Presbyterian Church of America) churches to have a wedding ceremony at PCPC. If you are interested in becoming a member, please refer to the New Members Class area. PCPC also requires that couples who get married at our church complete UNION, the class which is offered once in the fall and again in the spring.
This web area is designed to help you get the information you need to start your wedding process. Please read “Getting Started” and all the wedding information on our wedding website. You will find important information to help make this special occasion glorify God and occur as smoothly and beautifully as you envision.
For more detail, please contact the PCPC Wedding Coordinator.