Midweek at Park Cities Presbyterian Church
Midweek is an opportunity to rest from your usual weeknight routine and to join our church family for a refreshing evening of fellowship and learning. Join us for a delicious dinner, followed by classes, choirs, and activities for all ages.
Kicks off September 11, 2024
4:00 p.m. Children’s Choirs begin
5:30 p.m. Dinner begins
5:30 p.m. Vespers
6:45 p.m. Classes begin
Vespers is a unique PCPC experience. This weekly intimate Communion Service is rich and refreshing as you Worship the Lord Jesus Christ. This service features hymns, prayer, Scripture reading, meditations, and Communion. Join us every Wednesday in the Chapel at 5:30 p.m.
5:30-7:00 p.m. (Starting September 11, 2024)
Enjoy dinner with your church family! MIDWEEK Dinner is a great chance to gather as a group or to meet new friends! Moms and Dads bring the whole family for a delicious meal at a very reasonable price: $11.00 for adults, $5.50 for children (Ages 6-12), and FREE for young children (Ages 5 and under). Take-out meals are available. Please make reservations by 4:00 p.m. on Monday before the meal on Wednesday.
9/18 Midweek Dinner Reservations
4:00-6:00 p.m.
God’s Word is planted deeply in hearts and minds through singing His Word. Join us as we learn to sing with understanding, develop music reading skills, and prepare to participate in corporate worship services. All are joyfully welcome!
Cherub Choir (4-year-olds)
4:00-4:25 p.m. [Meeting in Kid’s Court - Level Two]
Carol Choir (grades K-1)
- Section A meets 4:30-5:00 p.m. [Meeting in Kid’s Court - Level Two]
- Section B meets 5:10-5:40 p.m. [Meeting in Kid’s Court - Level Two]
Chapel Choir (grades 2–4)
4:30-5:30 p.m. / meets in Mezzanine A - Level Two
Covenant Choir (grades 5–8)
5:00-6:00 p.m. / meets in Cambridge Hall - Level Two
Contact: Katie Haring, 214-224-2636, katie.haring@pcpc.org
7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Cambridge Hall
Join the Chancel Choir for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings. As always, new members are welcome to join. The choir is an eclectic group skill-wise; a proficient musical background is not required, but do bring a passion for listening, learning, and leading.
Contact: Stephen Bond, 214-224-2638, stephen.bond@pcpc.org
This fall, Youth programming will include Small Groups for Middle School and High School girls and guys which will meet off-campus. Each small group will be led by a youth resident and young adult volunteer. High Schoolers meet at The Gathering once a month on Wednesday nights off-campus.
Contact: Madeline MacLean, 214-224-2762, youthadmin@pcpc.org
(September 11 - November 20)
6:45–8:30 p.m., Adult Classroom 9
Focus is a Co-ed study that meets on Wednesday nights with small group discussion, lecture, and fellowship. There are separate discussion groups for women and men, and in this unique study, there are groups for couples. After group discussion, all come together for a teaching time in the lecture hall. This fall, we will be studying the book Hebrews by Matthew Capps.
Please contact Cindy Rhea, cindy.rhea1973@gmail.com if you are a new registrant for the fall session or you want to be in a women’s group with the Zoom option.
For questions, please contact Jane Beasley, jane.beasley@pcpc.org or call 214-224-2771.
Materials: $25 per semester per person, $50 per couple
Teachers: Jay Hohfeler & Kay Gabrysch
(September 11 - December 11)
6:45–8:30 p.m., Adult Classroom 13
PCPC recognizes increased divorce/separation rates as a growing challenge, so we desire to offer this ministry to the community. DivorceCare works to help those affected by divorce or separation to face the challenges and move toward rebuilding life. Don’t try to go through this alone. Here is where you’ll find caring people who understand the issues, begin the healing process, and receive God’s comfort and support.
Materials: $20 per semester (scholarships are available)
Contact: Melissa Hecht, 214-224-2679, divorcecare@pcpc.org
Please note some classes have different end dates.