Morning Sermons

            1. Mark Davis

              Lord, Save Me

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Matthew 14:22-33Mark Davis

              September 16, 2012

            2. Mark Davis

              Mightier than the Waves

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Mark 4:35-41Mark Davis

              September 9, 2012

            3. Mark Davis

              Who is this Man?

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Mark 4:35-41Mark Davis

              September 2, 2012

            4. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Ruth

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Ruth 1:1-21; 1 Peter 5:5b-7 Patrick Lafferty

              August 26, 2012

            5. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Rahab

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Joshua 2:1-21; Hebrews 11:29-31; Hebrews 12:1-2Patrick Lafferty

              August 19, 2012

            6. Pete Deison

              Gospel according to Elijah

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              1 Kings 19:1-18; James 5:16b-18Pete Deison

              August 12, 2012

            7. Pete Deison

              Gospel according to Solomon

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Ecclesiastes 1:2-4, 8-9, 13-14; Ecclesiastes 2:1-4, 8, 11, 22-26; Ecclesiastes 3:9-11; Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 8, 12; Ecclesiastes 7:15; Ecclesiastes 9:1; Ecclesiastes 12:12-14Pete Deison

              August 5, 2012

            8. Bill Lamberth

              Gospel according to Adam

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Genesis 3:6-24Bill Lamberth

              July 29, 2012

            9. Paul Goebel

              Gospel according to Jonah

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Jonah 1:1-6Paul Goebel

              July 22, 2012

            10. Tommy Overton

              Gospel according to Peter

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              John 21:1-22Tommy Overton

              July 15, 2012

            11. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Thomas

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              John 20:24-31Patrick Lafferty

              July 8, 2012

            12. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Timothy

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              2 Timothy 1:3-10Patrick Lafferty

              July 1, 2012

            13. Ron Williams

              Gospel according to Barnabus

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Acts 4:32-37Ron Williams

              June 24, 2012

            14. Julian Russell

              Gospel according to Abraham

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Genesis 22:1-18Julian Russell

              June 17, 2012

            15. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Haggai, Part 2

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Haggai 2:1-9Patrick Lafferty

              June 10, 2012

            16. Patrick Lafferty

              Gospel according to Haggai

              from the series The Gospel According to...

              Haggai 1:1-9Patrick Lafferty

              June 3, 2012

            17. Patrick Lafferty

              To Paul, et al

              from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

              Matthew 7:24-29Patrick Lafferty

              May 27, 2012

            18. Patrick Lafferty

              En Garde

              from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

              Matthew 7:15-23Patrick Lafferty

              May 20, 2012

            19. Julian Russell

              Life in the Kingdom of God

              from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

              Matthew 7:12-14; James 1:2-3, 2:8-13Julian Russell

              May 13, 2012

            20. Brent Baker

              Ask. Seek. Knock.

              from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

              Matthew 7:7-11Brent Baker

              May 6, 2012