Morning Sermons

            1. Mark Davis

              Waiting on the Lord: Alone, But Not Alone

              Psalm 62:1-8Mark Davis

              February 3, 2013

            2. Mark Davis

              The Glorious Gift of Limits

              Psalm 46:1-11Mark Davis

              January 27, 2013

            3. Mark Davis

              In His Hand

              Psalm 95:1-11Mark Davis

              January 20, 2013

            4. Skip Ryan

              The Man Who Lost Control

              John 21:1-19Skip Ryan

              January 13, 2013

            5. Mark Davis

              Longing for the Courts of the Lord

              Psalm 84:5-12Mark Davis

              January 6, 2013

            6. Bill Lamberth

              Deep Grief. Great Hope.

              1 Thessalonians 4:13-18Bill Lamberth

              December 30, 2012

            7. Mark Davis

              Christ Came to Make All Things New

              from the series To Conquer and to Create: Why did Christ Come?

              2 Corinthians 5:17-21Mark Davis

              December 23, 2012

            8. Mark Davis

              Christ Came to Destroy Death

              from the series To Conquer and to Create: Why did Christ Come?

              1 Corinthians 15:12-26Mark Davis

              December 16, 2012

            9. Mark Davis

              Christ Came to Overcome the World

              from the series To Conquer and to Create: Why did Christ Come?

              John 16:20-33Mark Davis

              December 9, 2012

            10. Mark Davis

              Christ Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil

              from the series To Conquer and to Create: Why did Christ Come?

              Genesis 3:1-19; 1 John 3:8Mark Davis

              December 2, 2012

            11. Skip Ryan

              The King of Contradiction

              John 19:1-22Skip Ryan

              November 25, 2012

            12. Mark Davis

              A Heart Filled With Thankfulness

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Luke 17:11-19Mark Davis

              November 18, 2012

            13. Mark Davis

              Children Bringing Children

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Luke 18:15-17Mark Davis

              November 11, 2012

            14. Patrick Lafferty

              The Greatest Miracle No One Ever Saw

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Romans 3:21-26Patrick Lafferty

              November 4, 2012

            15. Mark Davis

              The Bread of Life Feeds Five Thousand

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              John 6:1-15, 22-71Mark Davis

              October 28, 2012

            16. Skip Ryan

              The Miracle of Right Mindedness

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Luke 8:26-39Skip Ryan

              October 21, 2012

            17. Mark Davis

              Have Mercy On Me

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Mark 10:46–52Mark Davis

              October 14, 2012

            18. Mark Davis

              Christ-Centered Perseverance

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Psalm 51:10-19Mark Davis

              October 7, 2012

            19. Mark Davis

              Christ-Centered Worship

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Luke 19:36-38; Psalm 95:1-7a; 1 Peter 2:9-10; Hebrews 12:28-29Mark Davis

              September 30, 2012

            20. Mark Davis

              Christ-Centered Worship

              from the series The Miracles of Christ

              Matthew 14:22-33Mark Davis

              September 23, 2012