Sunday Morning Communities
Paul's Longing to Visit Rome
from the series Romans Study
Romans 1: 8-15Jeff Wilson
The Security of the Believer
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 7John Spicer
Dogs Do Go To Heaven
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 7: 24-30; Matthew 15: 21-28David Gowdey
Moored to the Shore
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 6: 53 - 7: 23David Gowdey
They Did Not Understand About the Loaves
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 6: 30-52David Gowdey
Week Six: The Plausibility of the Gospel
from the series Find Your Voice
Kenny Marchetti
Week Four: Relevance, part 2
from the series Find Your Voice
Patrick Lafferty
Week Three: Relevance of the Gospel (Part 1: Story and Questions)
from the series Find Your Voice
Kenny Marchetti
Week Two: Intelligibility of the Gospel, part 2: Fall and Creation
from the series Find Your Voice
Kenny Marchetti
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 6: 1-13David Gowdey
Do Not Fear, Only Believe
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 5: 21-43David Gowdey
Listening to the King
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 4: 20-41David Gowdey
The Power of the Seed
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 4: 1-23David Gowdey
Jesus, The strongman & The Holy Spirit
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 3: 1-28David Gowdey
The Sabbath Was Made For Man - the Preeminent Metaphor
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 2: 18-28David Gowdey
The Lamb
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
David Gowdey
Righteous Sinners
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 2: 13-17David Gowdey
Who Can Forgive MY Sins
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 2: 1-12David Gowdey
Everyone is Looking for You
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 1: 28-45David Gowdey
A New Teaching With Authority!
from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Mark 1:14-28David Gowdey