Sunday Morning Communities

  1. Propitiation

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 3: 21-31Jeff Wilson

    December 4, 2011

  2. "The Things That Make For Peace" & "Nothing But Leaves"

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 11:1-22David Gowdey

    November 27, 2011

  3. No One Seeks God - Part 2

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 3: 1-20Jeff Wilson

    November 27, 2011

  4. Servants with Authority

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10:32-52David Gowdey

    November 20, 2011

  5. No One Seeks God

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 3: 1-20Jeff Wilson

    November 20, 2011

  6. Whoever Does Not Receive the Kingdom of God Like a Child Shall Not Enter It

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10:13-32David Gowdey

    November 13, 2011

  7. What God Says About Divorce Part 4: "Comfort for the Disturbed and Disturbing for the Comfortable"

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10David Gowdey

    November 6, 2011

  8. What God Says About Divorce Part 3: "For We Do Not Have a High Priest Who Is Unable To Sympathize With Our Weaknesses"

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10:1-12David Gowdey

    October 23, 2011

  9. Does God Save Gentiles?

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 2Jeff Wilson

    October 23, 2011

  10. What God Says About Divorce Part 2: Why God Hates Divorce and Oh How He Loves Us

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10:1-12David Gowdey

    October 16, 2011

  11. We're Bad Too

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 2Jeff Wilson

    October 16, 2011

  12. The Purpose of Marriage & The Problem With Marriages - What God Says About Divorce Part I

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 10:1-12David Gowdey

    October 9, 2011

  13. "The Attitude and Actions of Greatness" Plus "Hell is Eternal"

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 9:30-50David Gowdey

    October 2, 2011

  14. A Biblical Sex Ethic - Part 2

    Jeff Wilson

    October 2, 2011

  15. I Believe; Help My Unbelief

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 9:14-29David Gowdey

    September 25, 2011

  16. The Wrath of God

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 1: 18-32Jeff Wilson

    September 18, 2011

  17. Listen to Him

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 9:1-10David Gowdey

    September 11, 2011

  18. I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 1: 16-17Jeff Wilson

    September 11, 2011

  19. Who Do You Say That Jesus Christ Is?

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 8David Gowdey

    September 4, 2011

  20. Do You See Anything?

    from the series Mark: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Son of God

    Mark 7:31-8:31David Gowdey

    August 28, 2011