Sunday Morning Communities
Jeremiah 17:1-13
Jeremiah 17:1-13Kevin Warstler
Jonah 1 (Part 2)
Jonah 1Jay Hohfeler
Behold My Servant
Isaiah 52:13-53:12Ken Olles
Jonah 1 (Part1)
Jonah 1Jay Hohfeler
Good News
Kevin Warstler
Fourth Servant Song (Part 1)
Isaiah 52:13-15Ken Olles
Loved Failures
Galatians 2:15-21Pete Hatton
Sam Leopold
I Samuel 6:1-7:17James Knox
Awakening to the Holy Spirit
Kurt Nelson
Here I am... Your God Reigns
Isaiah 52:1-12Ken Olles
Help My Unbelief
Galatians 2:11-16Pete Hatton
Good News
I Samuel 4:2-5:12James Knox
"Listen to Me, You Who Seek the Lord"
Isaiah 51:1-8Ken Olles
Brett Bradshaw
Fighting for Freedom
Galatians 2:1-10Pete Hatton
Third Servant Song
Isaiah 50:4-11Ken Olles
Regret & Restoration
John 21Jay Hohfeler
Good News
Jeremiah 15:1-21Kevin Warstler
The Church Is Not A Building, Part 2
Romans 16Tommy Overton