Morning Sermons

            1. Skip Ryan

              The New Birth (Part 1)

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 2:23-3:16Skip Ryan

              September 26, 1999

            2. Skip Ryan

              The New Temple

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 2:12-22Skip Ryan

              September 19, 1999

            3. Skip Ryan

              The New Wine

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 2:1-11Skip Ryan

              September 12, 1999

            4. Pete Deison

              How Is God Molding My Life?

              Jeremiah 18:1-10; 2 Corinthians 4:6-7Pete Deison

              September 5, 1999

            5. Skip Ryan

              Come and See

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 1:35-51Skip Ryan

              August 29, 1999

            6. Skip Ryan

              The Voice of the Witness

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 1:19-34Skip Ryan

              August 22, 1999

            7. Skip Ryan

              The Beloved Disciple

              from the series John: That You Might Have Life

              John 13:23; John 20:30-31; John 21:24-25Skip Ryan

              August 15, 1999

            8. Pete Deison

              Grace that Enables, Demands and Assures

              2 Peter 1:1-11Pete Deison

              August 8, 1999

            9. Paul Settle

              The God of Glory

              Matthew 18:1-28Paul Settle

              August 1, 1999

            10. David Winburne

              Treasure Hunters and Treasure Hoarders

              Matthew 6:19-24David Winburne

              July 25, 1999

            11. Elliott Greene

              Dust in the Wind

              Psalm 1Elliott Greene

              July 18, 1999

            12. Tim Tinsley

              Abram Built an Altar to the Lord_Lot Chose for Him

              Genesis 13Tim Tinsley

              July 11, 1999

            13. Tim Tinsley

              God Blesses Abram

              Genesis 12:1-19; Galatians 3:6-9Tim Tinsley

              July 4, 1999

            14. Skip Ryan

              Intended for Good

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 50:1-9, 14-26; Romans 8:28Skip Ryan

              June 27, 1999

            15. Skip Ryan

              Afflictions of Providence

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 42:1-29Skip Ryan

              June 20, 1999

            16. Skip Ryan

              Presence, Provision and Purpose of God-Joseph

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 39Skip Ryan

              June 13, 1999

            17. Skip Ryan

              Jacob in the Morning

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 28:10-22Skip Ryan

              June 6, 1999

            18. Skip Ryan

              The Blessing

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 27:1-36Skip Ryan

              May 30, 1999

            19. Skip Ryan

              The Real Pressure

              John 6:51Skip Ryan

              May 23, 1999

            20. Skip Ryan

              God Will Provide

              from the series Genesis

              Genesis 22:1-14Skip Ryan

              May 16, 1999