Holy Week
The Crucifixion
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 22Brent Baker
The Final Cup
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 116:12-17; Mark 14:22-26, 32-36Paul Goebel
The Pit
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 88Pete Deison
The Betrayal
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 41Tommy Overton
The Temptation
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 91Robby Higginbottom
The Son of God
from the series Psalms of the Savior
Psalm 2Paul Goebel
Good Friday?
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 27:11-56Tommy Overton
Into the Hands of Sinners
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 26:36-56Mark Davis
Lord of the Far and Near
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 26:17-29James Madden
Killing Jesus
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16; Matthew 27: 24-26, 35-36Pete Deison
The Lord's Lament
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 23:37-39Robby Higginbottom
The Tree and the Mountain
from the series Holy Week 2018
Matthew 21:18-22Bill Lamberth
Restore Us To Yourself
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Lamentations 5:15-22Martin Ban
And It Was Night
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Matthew 26:20-29; Mark 14:26-36; Luke 22:43-46; John 13:30Mark Davis
The Cup Shall Pass
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Lamentations 4:11-13, 21-22Jeff Hatton
Let Him Give His Cheek To the One Who Strikes
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Lamentations 3:25-33Rob Hamby
Who Can Heal You?
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Lamentations 2:8-13Colin Peters
She Weeps Bitterly In the Night
from the series Holy Week 2017: A Voice of Lamentation
Lamentations 1:1-3, 16Patrick Lafferty
Through the Eyes of the Centurion
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Luke 23:44-49Julian Russell
Through the Tears of Jesus
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Matthew 26:36-46Chad Scruggs
Through the Eyes of Pilate
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Luke 23:18-27Robby Higginbottom
Through the Eyes of Judas
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Luke 22:3-6, 47-53Bill Lamberth
Through the Eyes of Peter
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Luke 22:31-34, 54-62Pete Deison
Through the Eyes of the Witnesses
from the series Holy Week 2016: Through the Eyes of...
Luke 22:14-23Paul Goebel
Shall I crucify your King?
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 19:12-16Julian Russell
Triple Glory
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 12:27-36Mark Davis
Is He God?
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 19:1-11Vincent Parker
A Foolish Choice: Jesus vs Barabbas
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 18:38b-40Brent Baker
So you are a King?
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 18:33-38Bill Lamberth
What accusation do you bring against this man?
from the series Holy Week 2015
John 18:28-32Paul Goebel
Jesus is crucified, forsaken by the Father
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 15:21-39Julian Russell
Before the Rooster Crows the Rock Cracks
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 14:66-72Mark Davis
Jesus is tried by Pilate and given over to be crucified
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 15:1-20Bill Lamberth
Jesus before the council
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 14:53-65Brent Baker
The people come with swords and clubs to arrest Jesus
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 14:43-50Chad Scruggs
Jesus predicts that the Shepherd will be struck and the sheep scattered
from the series Holy Week 2014
Mark 14:26-31Paul Goebel
Two Thieves
from the series Holy Week 2013
Luke 23:39-43Julian Russell
Weeping Daughters
from the series Holy Week 2013
Luke 23:26-31Paul Goebel
Maundy Thursday
from the series Holy Week 2013
Matthew 26:6-16Mark Davis
Evasive Questions
from the series Holy Week 2013
John 19:1-11Skip Ryan
Herod was "glad"
from the series Holy Week 2013
Luke 23:6-12Pete Deison
Kiss of Betrayal
from the series Holy Week 2013
Luke 22:47-53Brent Baker
Campaign-ending transparency
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 27:45-54Patrick Lafferty
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 27:15-23Brent Baker
On the Bloody Tree Behold Him
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 26:26-29Mark Davis
Jesus before Caiaphas
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 26:57-68Pete Deison
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 26:36-46Paul Goebel
The plot to kill Jesus
from the series Holy Week 2012
Matthew 26:1-5Julian Russell
Into the Father’s Hands
from the series Holy Week 2011
Luke 23:44-48Patrick Lafferty
from the series Holy Week 2011
John 19:28Jeff Hatton
Maundy Thursday
from the series Holy Week 2011
John 19:28-30Mark Davis
Mother and Son
from the series Holy Week 2011
John 19:23-27Chad Scruggs
Dying to Save
from the series Holy Week 2011
Luke 23:39-43Josh Geiger
With the Criminals
from the series Holy Week 2011
Luke 23:26, 32-38Mike Rasmussen