8:00 a.m. Sermons

  1. Ron Williams

    Christ Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil

    from the series To Conquer and to Create: Why did Christ Come?

    Genesis 3:1-19; 1 John 3:8Ron Williams

    December 2, 2012

  2. Ron Williams

    A Heart Filled With Thankfulness

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Luke 17:11-19Ron Williams

    November 18, 2012

  3. Ron Williams

    Children Bringing Children

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Luke 18:15-17Ron Williams

    November 11, 2012

  4. Ron Williams

    The Bread of Life Feeds Five Thousand

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    John 6:1-15, 22-71Ron Williams

    October 28, 2012

  5. Ron Williams

    Have Mercy On Me

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Mark 10:46–52Ron Williams

    October 14, 2012

  6. Ron Williams

    Christ-Centered Perseverance

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Psalm 51:10-19Ron Williams

    October 7, 2012

  7. Ron Williams

    Christ-Centered Worship

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Matthew 14:33-33Ron Williams

    September 23, 2012

  8. Ron Williams

    Lord, Save Me

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Matthew 14:22-33Ron Williams

    September 16, 2012

  9. Ron Williams

    Mightier than the Waves

    from the series The Miracles of Christ

    Mark 4:35-41Ron Williams

    September 9, 2012

  10. Ron Williams

    Life in the Kingdom of God

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 7:12-14; James 1:2-3; James 2:8-13Ron Williams

    May 13, 2012

  11. Ron Williams

    Ask. Seek. Knock.

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 7:7-11Ron Williams

    May 6, 2012

  12. Ron Williams

    Questioning our Anxiety

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 6:25-34Ron Williams

    April 22, 2012

  13. Ron Williams

    Storage Wars

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 6:19-24Ron Williams

    April 15, 2012

  14. Ron Williams

    For how great is His goodness, and how great His beauty!

    Matthew 21:1-11; Zechariah 9:9,16-17aRon Williams

    April 1, 2012

  15. Ron Williams

    Prayer of Prayers

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 6:7-13Ron Williams

    March 18, 2012

  16. Ron Williams

    The Hypocrite's Reward

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 6:1-18Ron Williams

    March 11, 2012

  17. Ron Williams

    Radical Retaliation

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 5:38-48Ron Williams

    February 26, 2012

  18. Ron Williams

    Cross My Heart

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 5:33-37Ron Williams

    February 5, 2012

  19. Ron Williams

    What God Has Joined Together

    from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus

    Matthew 5:31-32Ron Williams

    January 15, 2012

  20. Ron Williams

    He Came Not to be Served but to Serve

    from the series Why Did Christ Come?

    Mark 10:35-45Ron Williams

    December 18, 2011