By Series
From the series, The Five Discourses of Jesus

To Paul, et al
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:24-29Patrick Lafferty
En Garde
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:15-23Patrick Lafferty
Life in the Kingdom of God
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:12-14; James 1:2-3, 2:8-13Julian Russell
Life in the Kingdom of God (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:12-14; James 1:2-3; James 2:8-13Ron Williams
Ask. Seek. Knock.
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:7-11Brent Baker
Ask. Seek. Knock. (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:7-11Ron Williams
You Too Will Be Judged
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 7:1-6Mark Davis
Questioning our Anxiety
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:25-34Mark Davis
Questioning our Anxiety (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:25-34Ron Williams
Storage Wars
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:19-24Mark Davis
Storage Wars (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:19-24Ron Williams
Internal Audit
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:19-24Patrick Lafferty
Prayer of Prayers
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:7-13Mark Davis
Prayer of Prayers (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:7-13Ron Williams
The Hypocrite's Reward
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:1-18Mark Davis
The Hypocrite's Reward (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 6:1-18Ron Williams
Buyer's Market
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Jeremiah 32:1-27Phil Ryken
Radical Retaliation
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:38-48Mark Davis
Radical Retaliation (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:38-48Ron Williams
A conversation with Skip Ryan and Mark Davis' sermon introduction to "Radical Retaliation"
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:38-41Mark Davis
Cross My Heart
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:33-37Mark Davis
Cross My Heart (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:33-37Ron Williams
What God Has Joined Together
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:31-32Mark Davis
What God Has Joined Together (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:31-32Ron Williams
Water to Wine
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
John 2:1-11Ron Williams
I lift up my soul to the Lord
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Psalm 25Mark Davis
I lift up my soul to the Lord (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Psalm 25Ron Williams
Everybody's Battle
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:27-30Mark Davis
Everybody's Battle (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:27-30Ron Williams
The Required Sacrifice of Reconciliation
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:21-26Mark Davis
God's View of Anger and Insult
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:21-26Mark Davis
God's View of Anger and Insult (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:21-26Ron Williams
Christ Came to Fulfill
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:17-20Mark Davis
Christ Came to Fulfill (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:17-20Ron Williams
Bright Lights, Big City
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-16Bill Lamberth
Is there any greater thought?
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-9Mark Davis
Is there any greater thought? (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-9Ron Williams
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:6Mark Davis
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:6Ron Williams
Blessed are the Meek
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-5Mark Davis
Blessed are the Meek (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-5Ron Williams
Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed are those who mourn
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-4Mark Davis
Blessed are the poor in spirit; Blessed are those who mourn (8:00 a.m.)
from the series The Five Discourses of Jesus
Matthew 5:1-4Ron Williams