By Date
Sermons from August 2012
Gospel according to Solomon
from the series The Gospel According to...
Ecclesiastes 1:2-4, 8-9, 13-14; Ecclesiastes 2:1-4, 8, 11, 22-26; Ecclesiastes 3:9-11; Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 8, 12; Ecclesiastes 7:15; Ecclesiastes 9:1; Ecclesiastes 12:12-14Pete Deison
Gospel according to Elijah
from the series The Gospel According to...
1 Kings 19:1-18; James 5:16b-18Pete Deison
Gospel according to Rahab
from the series The Gospel According to...
Joshua 2:1-21; Hebrews 11:29-31; Hebrews 12:1-2Patrick Lafferty
Gospel according to Ruth
from the series The Gospel According to...
Ruth 1:1-21; 1 Peter 5:5b-7 Patrick Lafferty