By Date
Sermons from December 2011
Christ Came to Seek and Save the Lost (8:00 a.m.)
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Luke 19:1-10Ron Williams
Christ Came to Seek and Save the Lost
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Luke 19:1-10Mark Davis
Christ Came not to Call the righteous, but Sinners (8:00 a.m.)
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Mark 2:13-17Ron Williams
Christ Came Not to Call the Righteous, but Sinners
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Mark 2:13-17Mark Davis
He Came Not to be Served but to Serve (8:00 a.m.)
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Mark 10:35-45Ron Williams
He Came Not to be Served but to Serve
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
Mark 10:35-45Mark Davis
He Came to Give Abundant Life
from the series Why Did Christ Come?
John 10:1-18, 27-30Mark Davis