By Date
Sermons from 1992
The Great Commandment
Matthew 22, 28William Bright
A Still Small Voice
1 Kings 19:9-18; Psalm 46:10Don Riley
Who Broke the Baby?
1 Kings 3:16-28John Nieder
How to Love God
Matthew 22; 1 John 2Donald Hoke
Proclaiming His Death
1 Corinthians 11:23-32Don Riley
Power or Death?
Philippians 2:5-8John Maisel
Open Mind, Open Heart
Luke 24:44-49John Nyquist
Life's Highest Calling
2 Timothy 2:2, 3:10-12Aaron Fleming
What is the Church?
Acts 19:1-20Ray Clark
Giving Thanks to the Father
Colossians 1:12-13Tim Tinsley
Getting it all Together
2 Corinthians 4:17- 5:10Pete Deison
PCPC for What?
John 20:21; Luke 19:10E. V. Hill
A Message to Fathers
Ephesians 6:4Dawson McAllister
Mountain of Glory
Luke 9:28-36Skip Ryan
My Name is Barabbas
Matthew 27:15-31Skip Ryan
The Necessity of Glory
Luke 24:13-35Skip Ryan
The Stranger on the Shore
John 21:1-19Skip Ryan
The Stranger on the Shore, 2
John 21:10-19Skip Ryan
The Priority
Luke 10:38-42Skip Ryan
Kingdom Greatness
Matthew 18:1-6Skip Ryan
Ministering the Mystery
Colossians 1:24-29Edmund Clowney
Shameless Praying to a Good Father
Luke 11:5-13Skip Ryan
Discipline and Restoration
Galatians 6:1-8Skip Ryan
Past, Present and Future
John 6:30-35, 53-59Skip Ryan
Our Father in Heaven
Matthew 6:5-9Skip Ryan
Hallowed Be Thy Name
John 17:1-5; Luke 11:1-2Skip Ryan
Kingdom Come
Luke 4:1-2, 13-21Skip Ryan
Daily Bread
Mark 6:30-44Skip Ryan
Forgiveness Received- Forgiveness Given
Matthew 18:15-35Skip Ryan
Temptation's Illusions
Matthew 3:13-4:11Skip Ryan
The Defining Moment
Isaiah 6:1-9Bill Lamberth
A Stomach for Evangelism
Jonah 1:17-2:10David Clelland
A Good Exam
1 Corinthians 11:27-32Skip Ryan
A Fork and A Fire
Luke 3:1-18Skip Ryan
Who is Accepted?
Luke 4:14-30Skip Ryan
Jesus on the Job
Luke 5:1-11Skip Ryan
Authority to Forgive
Luke 5:17-26Skip Ryan
The Surprising Gospel
Luke 5:27-39Skip Ryan
Called to Serve
Luke 6Pete Deison
The Measure You Give
Luke 6:24-38Skip Ryan
The Splendor and Trauma of Holiness
Isaiah 6:1-8R. C. Sproul
Kingdom Faith
Luke 7:1-10Skip Ryan
Doing Ministry the Right Way
2 Corinthians 4:1-7Charles Swindoll
The Lord's Elders for PCPC
1 Timothy 3:1-7Skip Ryan
Charge to Communicants
Romans 12:1-2Skip Ryan
Great Forgiveness Means Great Love
Luke 7:36-50Skip Ryan
Exodus from the Empire of Modernity
Exodus 2:23-3:12Os Guinness
Shrewd Planning for the Future
Luke 16:1-13Skip Ryan
Treachery and Greatness in the Kingdom of God
Luke 22:14-30Skip Ryan
My Name is Joseph
Matthew 1:18-25Skip Ryan
In Praise of Mary
Luke 1:26-55Skip Ryan
Two Thousand Points of Light
Isaiah 9:2-7Bill Lamberth