Sunday Morning Communities

  1. Suffering Requires Good Theology

    from the series 1 Peter

    1 Peter 4:7-19David Gowdey

    September 9, 2012

  2. Suffering, Endurance & Perspective

    from the series 1 Peter

    1 Peter 4:1-6David Gowdey

    September 2, 2012

  3. The Sovereignty of God

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 12Paul Goebel

    August 26, 2012

  4. The Implications of Being Brought to God

    from the series 1 Peter

    1 Peter 3:13-22David Gowdey

    August 26, 2012

  5. Gospel Transformation (Part 2)

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 9:1-19Paul Goebel

    August 12, 2012

  6. Trusting Him

    from the series 1 Peter

    1 Peter 3:1-12David Gowdey

    August 12, 2012

  7. Gospel Transformation (Part 1)

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 9:1-19Paul Goebel

    August 5, 2012

  8. The Descent of the Righteous for the Sake of the Wicked

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 8:4-24Matt Steinfeld

    July 29, 2012

  9. Christ, the Shepherd and Overseer of Your Soul, Suffered for You

    from the series 1 Peter

    1 Peter 2:9-25David Gowdey

    July 29, 2012

  10. Justice and Shalom

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Proverbs 3:17-18Reid Porter

    July 22, 2012

  11. To Die is Gain

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 6:1-7:60Paul Goebel

    July 15, 2012

  12. The Church Cannot Fail

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 5:12-42Paul Goebel

    July 8, 2012

  13. Give Yourself Away

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 4:32-5:11Paul Goebel

    July 1, 2012

  14. Of Sons and Daughters - Part 2

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 8:12-27Jeff Wilson

    July 1, 2012

  15. Persecution and the Glory of God

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 4:1-31Paul Goebel

    June 24, 2012

  16. Of Sons and Daughters

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 8:12-27Jeff Wilson

    June 24, 2012

  17. No Condemnation

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 8:1-17Jeff Wilson

    June 17, 2012

  18. Peter's Second Sermon

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 3:11-26

    June 17, 2012

  19. The Lame Beggar: Our Death, Resurrection and Exultation in Christ

    from the series Acts: The Mission of Christ Through His Church

    Acts 3:1-10Matt Steinfeld

    June 10, 2012

  20. Onward Christian Soldiers

    from the series Romans Study

    Romans 7:7-25Jeff Wilson

    June 10, 2012