Flower Ministry
“And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” —Matthew 6:28-29
Why flowers in our Sunday morning worship services?
Jesus tells us to consider flowers. They are God’s exquisite display of color, design, texture, aroma, variety, and loving care. We were made to long for such beauty, and flowers cause us to reflect on their Creator. So enjoy them as you enter a worship service and let them point your heart and mind to our mighty God, for whom we long, and worship Him in all His eternal perfection.
Where do they go?
First, donors are asked to express their wishes. The flowers can be given to an honoree, some perhaps taken to a gravesite, or repurposed in many ways. (Donors may not take the arrangements home due to IRS restrictions, as the cost is considered a charitable gift.) Most often, they are rearranged in small containers to be taken to those who are homebound or in the hospital. Also, they are often used by our Urban Ministries partners to decorate tables for an event. You might see them around the church during special seasons as well or at a PCPC ministry function. They were also used for a memorial service when the family could not afford flowers. And they have even shown up at a few weddings when a bride was on a very tight budget.
How to be a donor
Would you like to honor someone or celebrate a birthday, wedding, or anniversary, or remember a beloved lost one? It will be noted in the worship bulletin. Our faithful volunteer Helen Stewart receives requests to give the flowers ($300 per Sunday) and oversees reservations. Please contact Helen at 214-350-7449 or dstew10326@hotmail.com if you have questions about participating in this meaningful ministry.
BRIDES: If you would like to donate your wedding flowers for services the following Sunday, please contact Helen Stewart or email flowers@pcpc.org to reserve the date and give us text for the bulletin. If the Sunday is already reserved, you can also have them placed in the Information Desk area with a note in the bulletin.