Ministry Partners
PCPC City Missions supports a wide variety of organizations that are seeking the flourishing of Dallas. Click on any of the ministries below to check out their websites. For a brief overview of each partner, download the Extend guide below.
Addiction Recovery
Prison Outreach
Homeless Outreach
Children and Youth Ministry
YoungLife North Texas Capernaum
International Outreach
Justice Work
Advocates for Community Transformation
Relational Ministry
Extend - City Missions 2023 Prayer Guide
At Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCPC), we believe that we are called to connect to Christ and one another and to abide in Christ. Our hope and prayer is that this would result in us extending ourselves in love to those around us as a natural response to what Christ has first done for us. Our hope is that this Prayer Guide will better enable you to love your neighbors and extend yourself on behalf of our city. All of the ministries mentioned in this guide covet your prayers and your support. As you pray, ask the Lord to show you how you might best spend your time and talents toward the extension of His Kingdom in Dallas.