Faith & Culture
As Christians, we have the privilege of applying our faith in the context of the challenging world we live in. But we often struggle with knowing how to do that. Christians must be shaped by God’s Word as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission in the context of a lost world.
Faith & Culture: Politics
Mondays, from 12:00-1:15 p.m.
Oct. 28 through Nov. 11
Classroom 9 (Lower Level)
Feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated to engage with our culture in this political season? As a church, we want to take the opportunity to trust the Lord with how He might choose to form us, not out of fear but out of a place of trusting Him to transform our hearts and send us out into the world. Join us for this three-week lunchtime discussion from 12:00-1:15 p.m. We will explore how the gospel applies to politics through biblical reflection and discussion led by Pastor Sam Leopold. Please register to attend. $10 boxed lunches will be available.
Previous Events
Faith & Culture: David Gibson
May 13th | 7:00 p.m.
Our Faith & Culture series seeks to educate and resource the church body to apply our faith in the context of the challenging world we live in. On Monday, May 13, we welcome minister and author David Gibson from Trinity Church in Aberdeen, Scotland. David will speak on the witness of the local church in a post-Christian culture. His talk will be titled Assuming the Gospel: Reflections along the Road to Cultural and Theological Decline. In it, he will share a mix of biblical, cultural, and historical insights into how and why Christian culture dies, what we can do to prevent that happening and instead make it flourish, and the difference this makes for faithful Christian witness today.
This Faith & Culture series event is in partnership with Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) Dallas.
Faith & Culture: Reflecting Christ in a Polarized Culture
February 19 | 5:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall How do we maintain unity in the church and reflect Christ to the world as political polarization continues to increase around us? In a world where people are full of contempt for those with whom they disagree, we will consider how we can live as disciples of Christ with wisdom, humility, and love.
Please join us to hear from Ligon Duncan, Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, on this important topic Sunday, February 19 at 5:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
Faith & Culture: Living Faithfully with Digital Technology
In a culture increasingly influenced by digital technologies, we want to be wise in our use of these good tools and aware of their impact on our spiritual lives. Dr. Alan Noble will join us to discuss this important topic, as he focuses on the deeper longings beneath our use of digital technology and points to their fulfillment in our identity in Christ.
Faith & Culture: Discovering How Science Points to God
Our culture tells us that scientific evidence and faith in God are at odds, and this assumption can often cause doubt in our own hearts or anxiety over sharing our faith with others. During this special evening lecture, philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer will encourage us with a series of revolutionary scientific discoveries in astronomy, physics, and biology that point to the reality of God.
(This page will continue to be updated)