Are you in a serious dating relationship or engaged to be married? If so, come join us in UNION! UNION is a 9-week course where we cover topics such as the Biblical meaning of marriage, expectations and communication, in-laws, the Biblical roles of husbands and wives, money and stewardship, and intimacy. Teaching occurs in a large group setting, followed by small group discussions. You will also be given weekly assignments to complete on your own and then discuss as a couple and within your small group.
We have a lot of fun together and hope you will join us from February 11 to April 8. We will meet in The Loft (top floor of the church) from 7:00pm to 8:45pm. The cost is $30 per person to cover materials. Couples who complete the course will receive a $60 discount on their marriage license.
Recent classes have filled up early, so we recommend that you register soon.