Today’s culture tells you your value is found in what you produce. Grit. Hustle. Grind to get ahead. You need more. More success. More financial freedom. More comfort. More control. More power.
But as Christians in the marketplace, we have a better story. We can trade up, be part of God’s story, and join a movement of faithful followers of Christ who, throughout history, have found innovative ways to push back the darkness, have the freedom to take big risks, do great work, and leave a legacy of faith.
God is calling us all to an epic adventure where we find joy in surrendering to His will, freedom through dependence on the Spirit’s power, and clarity in chaos from His Word.
Join us and Faith Driven Entrepreneurs around the world as we learn from innovative business leaders in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the U.S. who will help us invest in the adventure of a lifetime and trade up to significance in God’s eyes.