Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Dallas, TX

Poinsettias in the Sanctuary 2024

Poinsettias 2024

It’s Poinsettia Time! Reservations and payment will be online this year beginning Monday, October 21.

Each Christmas season we offer PCPC members the opportunity to purchase a poinsettia ($6.00 each; price reduction this year due to an anonymous gift) in memory of or in honor of a friend or loved one. They will be in the Sanctuary Sunday, December 8, and there will be a bulletin insert that morning listing the names of the donor and the recipient. Our chancel area will be wreathed in these beautiful plants for our worship services from Sunday, December 8 through Christmas Eve. You may take your plant with you following the Christmas Eve service if you wish to do so.

Each named recipient (in honor or in memory of) will be considered as one poinsettia. Due to a generous donation to the poinsettia project this year, the cost is only $6 per plant.

If you are absolutely unable to order online, please send an email during early to mid November asking for help in placing an order in some other way.

Reservations online will close on Monday, November 25 at 10:00 p.m. Orders placed later than November 25 will miss the insert printing deadline.

Date & Time

October 21–November 25


4124 Oak Lawn Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219


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