Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Dallas, TX

First Friday & bEfriend

First Friday & bEfriend

First Friday is a ministry outreach to families who have a child with a disability. This ministry provides a respite for parents on the first Friday of each month by hosting their child(ren) while the parents enjoy time away. Each child with a disability and each of their siblings will be paired with a buddy for the evening and enjoy special activities and programming.

bEfriend is a ministry outreach that provides opportunities for adults with special needs to gather with other adults for fellowship and community. bEfriend participants meet the first Friday of each month to enjoy dinner and a fun activity together.


  • March 3
  • March 31*
  • April 28*

*Not held on the first Friday of the month due to scheduling conflicts

Date & Time

Friday, April 28
5:00–10:00 p.m.


Kids Chapel
4124 Oak Lawn Avenue
Dallas, TX 75219


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